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Me, Me, and My Funny Friends

Losers with no imagination say that if you start a new school, there must be a first day. How come they haven't figured out how to beat that? Just think existetially. All you do is take what's supposed to be the first day and bury it someplace in the next month. By the time you get around to it a month later, who cares? When I first heard the word existential, I didn't know what it meant, so I never used it. But then I found out that no one knows what it means, so now I use it all the time.

Yo. Rapunzel. Forget the ladder. There's a faster way down.

Fire hose test: "If the girl's looks were all about makeup and hair and clothes, she'd look like crap if you shot a fire hose directly in her face from point-blank range.  A genuinely pretty girl would still look good."

Now that it was no longer perfect, she could see it was beautiful.


Fearles 1 FEARLESS

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